|Five Ways to Horrify a Real Estate Appraiser

United Home Loans asks expert Mary Gilmore of Heartland Appraisals to discuss how to make an appraisal downright horrifying. And trust us, she’s not easy to scare.
Don’t be a Shadow – The best thing you can do when you’re having your home appraised is stand back and let the appraiser do their job. There’s no need to follow them into every room and ask what they’re writing down. They’ll be happy to chat with you after the inspection, so keep the creeping to a minimum.
Clean-up After Creatures – Remember, an appraiser inspects your whole house, and that may include your backyard. So, if you have pets, it’s a great idea to clean-up any “treats” left behind by furry friends. Help your appraiser keep their shoes clean. Remember, they’re likely walking back into your house after the yard inspection. Eww!
Respect Witches and Warlocks Alike – “This doesn’t happen often, but I have been in situations where the homeowner commented on and looked concerned about the fact that I’m a female,” Gilmore remarked. Now, we know none of you modern readers would ever think a woman isn’t capable of a professional home valuation. But, in case you need a reminder, since the time Mary Tyler Moore threw her hat into the air, women have been crushing it as doctors, CEOs, firefighters, rock stars, astronauts, and yes, even real estate appraisers.
Don’t be a Zillow Monster – Appraisers love getting information about recent updates and looking at comparable recent home sales, but please don’t print out Zillow reports and insist what’s listed is the exact value of your home. “Zillow isn’t a reliable source for home value,” states Gilmore. “If it were, lenders wouldn’t need a formal appraisal.” Your appraisal is there to work with you, not against you, so be reasonable and open to feedback.
Don’t Offer Tricks or Treats – This should be a given, but please, don’t even THINK about trying to bribe your appraiser. It’s illegal, they could lose their license, and it’s an overall terrible, horrible, no good, very bad idea.
Remember, the appraiser is your friend during the valuation, so be respectful and don’t be afraid to communicate. For more friendly appraisal or loan advice, contact United Home Loans below or at 708-531-8388.